
Archive for June 8th, 2010

It seems I did not blog about the first Annual Cheese/Chocolate/Bacon Potluck – but Jacie did…read about it here.  It was EPIC and delicious.


Well seeing as I am moving to West Virginia and I love bacon – June seemed like a good time to have a mid year Cheese/Chocolate Bacon Semi Annual Potluck before I left.  Also one our friends is celebrating his 40th this week.  That sounds like a good reason to eat cheese/chocolate/bacon.


I found the recipe for Irish Car Bomb cupcakes from Smitten Kitchen a few weeks ago.  I think Jacie showed them to me… anyway I am huge fan of cupcakes.  Cupcakes with Bailey’s icing –sign me up.  Since finding said recipe I’ve also become a huge fan of Smitten Kitchen.  So far all the recipes are delicious and her pictures just make the food look AMAZING.



These Guinness chocolate cupcakes were filled with the Whiskey Dark Chocolate ganache and iced with Baileys icing… and became these…


They were a little time intensive, but totally worth it and very delicious.  I did demand Jenni take a bite of said cupcake so I could take that last picture.  YOU MUST EAT CUPCAKE NOW!!!  🙂


I also whipped up a quiche while baking various parts of cupcake goodness.

Spinach Bacon Quiche – was the recipe that I based it off.  I added more cheese, because one can NEVER have enough cheese in quiche.  I used Vermont White Cheddar and some shredded gruyere….mmm cheesy goodness.  I doubled the recipe and put it in a 9×13 pan instead of a traditional pie pan. I did not make my own pie crust… shameful I know.  But with the from scratch cupcakes I just didn’t have the time.  The recipe is not heavy on eggs – and with the 2 packages of spinach it feels like it’s just filled with spinach and cheese deliciousness.


mmmm… cheesy bacony spinachy deliciousness.


The whole spread



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The highlight of the evening… getting my new “Allison has to move to West Virginia Two Tails spindle”.  Jacie has been teasing me for weeks about what it was.  Evil she is. 



This is pre hook.  But she’s a Cocobolo/Macassar Ebony laminate on Ebony shaft.  She was designed by Jacie and Mark made her out of Jacie’s ideas.  Isn’t she beautiful?  She’s one of a kind so far.  But Mark has more plans to make laminates.  Hopefully he’ll have the etsy shop open soon…..


You know a shiny new spindle needs new fiber to go with it.. right?  And seeing as The Painted Sheep was in attendance with us, and conveniently had not taken in her fibers after attending the Nutmeg Spinners’ Guild meeting I got to purchase 4oz of BFL in Merlot.  Buying the rest of Kris’ fibers maybe part of the bigger plan to get her back in the dye studio.  Hear that Kris – go make new pretty yarns and fibers.  Don’t make me sick Jacie on you when I leave… I’ll do it.


Bacon/cheese/chocolate, friends, new spindles, and fiber – pretty much perfect.

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This past weekend Jacie, Jenni, Aaron and I headed down to NY to be apart of the Mets Stitch n’ Pitch Event.  We met up with some college friends of mine (Becca and Lisa) who live in the City.


We stopped for lunch at Boulder Creek Steakhouse – where we ate delicious roast beef and sliced steak sandwiches.  There was also a copious amounts of sweet potato fries.  I am a big fan of any restaurant that serves sweet potato fries.  Jacie also enjoys her fancy water in a wine glass… what does she think we have class or something?


After lunch we headed over to the stadium, after getting lost for the second time.  GPS had a very difficult time with the buildings and the new stadium name.  We were part of the Guinness World Record for number of people crocheting simultaneously for 15 minutes.  Deborah Norville from Inside Edition was the MC for the event.  We got super cute project bags, blue or orange yarn, and a crochet hook.  I love free stuff even if it’s a crochet hook.  Picking up stitches is a good thing too.


427 people crocheted to beat the record.  You can read an article here about the event.  I heard Inside Edition talked about it on TV yesterday but I can’t find a video online.


I made an amoeba – or free form crochet  – your choice.  I am a knitter.  But I did learn how to do a single crochet, but I still can’t keep the number of stitches the same going back and forth.  As we said in college intramurals “At least I showed up.”  And there’s proof I can crochet.  I now will go back to knitting.



Seeing as we had lots of time after the Guinness Record event before the game started there was much fibery goodness. Jacie even brought out the Bosworth and spun an little Corgi Hill angora/silk blend. 



The baseball itself was uneventful.  The Marlins lost by epic proportions.  My parents are very sad about this – they are big Marlins fans.  I was cheering for the knitters.  GO KNITTERS!!!


Overall a fun event.  Even if we did get lost 3 times.  Who doesn’t love a great day outside with free bags and yarn while being apart of a world record?

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A Life of Projects

Life. One project at a time.

The Weaselmomma

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Emilee Knits

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