
Posts Tagged ‘toe up socks’

1.  Knitting

2.  Sleeping


Ok I knitted on Sunday night with Jacie… but I still fell with all the recent traveling/planning/being crazy busy I haven’t been able to dedicate any real time to the yarn.  And that makes me sad.

Saturday I had my date with the Penguins at the Mystic Aquarium.  I was reminded by boyfriend that I was not allowed to steal a penguin and despite how cute they are Salem did not want to be friends with a Penguin.  I think they would have been bff.  They could have bonded over fish.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA         Hi we are super cute…..

After the Penguin encounter we met up with the greatest SnB on Planet Earth.  Yes, I am totally biased.  I often hear of knitters that have no group, no SnB, no LYs.  I cry a little for them.  How would they have enabling friends that make them own cashmere sock yarn, and travel across state lines to purchase spinning wheels?  Man, those people are missing out because my SnB is filled with some of the most awesome people EVER!!!  Aaron’s organized two hockey nights so far.  I was sadly disappointed in the first one as there were NO fights.  Come on… it’s hockey.  There needs to be carnage and blood.  New dental work and a few broken bones… that’s what I wanted.  So we planned hockey night 2.  I was promised fights because of the rivalry between Springfield and Hartford.  They managed a good minute before someone was in the penalty box for fighting.  Way to bring the violence and it was awesome.  I danced to YMCA and other random songs with Jacie and Heidi.  There is a virdeo that Aaron posted on facebook of us being silly, it’s highly amusing if you have the extra minute to spare.  During the rest of the game I worked on the toe-up beaded rib socks.

I cast them on toe up – on two circs.  What on earth was I thinking??? I hate knitting with two circs.  I prefer DPN’s and will do magic loop, but often get annoyed with the constant shifting of the stitches across the needles.  I know there are people who love the two circ thing, more power to you.   Maybe I need shorter circs.  All I ever had was a twisted disaster.  Sometime I’d end up magic looping, but with two socks the cables were just a tad too short to make the circle without atrocious laddering.  The two balls of yarn were always twisted.  I’m still not sure how I managed to twist the cable so the front of one sock was on the needle with the back of the second sock but I did – a couple times.  I turned the heels last week so at least that was done.  During the hockey game after the 75th time untangling the mess known as my socks.  I separated them – each on it’s own little magic loop of happiness.  At least knitting cuffs it doesn’t matter if the socks are off by a row.  So a few more inches of cuff and it’s back to sock two.  I’ll probably get distracted by another WIP before any of that actually happens.  But they are definitely closer to being done.


For those of you following the Haiti trip updates:

Check out the previous posts about pattern raffles and free photo sessions.

Amount collected as of right now $880.  That’s amazing – and in less than a week.  I hope to be over the goal by the end of the weekend.  I’ve gotten a lot of “waiting on payday” comments… so I think well get there this weekend.

If you still want to contribute there’s still time… and don’t worry we can always use more money to buy more supplies/food/water to take with us.

Join our facebook group – we are at almost 200 members.  I think there may need to be some baked goods for our 200th member… just saying.


The other thing I haven’t done is sleeping.  I’ve been crazy girl the last week or so.   Traveling across the world, penguins, hockey, babysitting, working with the KD’s at Sacred Heart until 3 am.  I love having free time to oh, I don’t know… ENJOY life.  But I sometimes forget that sleep is important.  There is a very happy and cuddly cat who is very excited I am home and sleeping in my own bed tonight.

And now it’s time for a nice little coma while listening to furball snore….ahh life is good.

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